AKS FYRQUEL® EHC PLUSAKS FYRQUEL ® EHC PLUS is the third-generation high-performance fire-resistant hydraulic control fluid, suitable for high-pressure EH systems, especially for supercritical and above units.Review again
AKS FYRQUEL ®EHCAKS FYRQUEL ® EHC is a mixture of Tritolyl Phosphate (TXP) and Isobutylated Triphenyl Phosphate (TBPP). Based on the selected triaryl phosphate based on xylenol, it is compounded with Isobutylated Triphenyl Phosphate. By reducing the amount of Tritolyl Phosphate (TXP) and adding branched Isobutylated Triphenyl Phosphate, it not only retains its long-term service life but also improves its biodegradability.Review again
AKS FYRQUEL® -SAKS FYRQUEL ® - S is a multi-component isobutylated triphenyl phosphate (TBPP) containing 15-25% triphenyl phosphate (TPP). It belongs to HFDR grade anhydrous phosphate solution and has both the advantages of difficult ignition and inherent self extinguishing propertiesReview again